Here's my first pass with the planer on the bottom of the Grifter. Luckily I have Rich to cover up most of my mistakes... Above are a few more photos of the shaping process along with our finished board.
Awhile back I lifted an old board Greg Mungall had lying around in his glass shop. It was a 1982 6'2" Twinny called "Hooks, Wings and Things." The surf had been small so I figured I'd clean the dust off and get the old beater wet to see how she went. I ended up surfing the board in one foot HB, 6'-8' Newport Point and everything in between. Thus began my love affair with Twin Fins.
Rich has been teaching me how to shape in his Canyon Shaping bay. We've been inspired by a board that has recently passed on into Surfboard Valhalla. Terry Fitzgeralds "Drifter" model that was featured in The Surfer's Journal. Rich's walking me through the outline process taught to him by Mungall. We're taking turns with the planer with Rich doing his best to patch up my heavy-handed mistakes. Sure has been a lot of fun though!