Thursday, June 12, 2008

Talara - Lobitos Transport

, originally uploaded by m_hagen.

Darrin has been travelling with Hedda and I the past couple of weeks. I was really stoked to share some of the joys of South American bus travel with him. Our first bus from Lima north to Huanchaco was 12 hours overnight. Darrin was lucky enough to sit across the aisle from a huge guy who snored all night long. This guy rumbled like a horse. Eventually Darrin, one of the most laid back guys I know slammed the guy in the shoulder. He shuddered for a moment and we thought it might have done the trick, but then a moment later the guy was back at it just as loud as before. Not much sleep that night on the bus.

The Econoline in the photo was our link to Talara from l'il ol´ Lobitos. The driver was sometime's able to fit 19 people inside along with 2-3 niƱo's, a bag of freshly caught fish and some scrap metal. Little cramped, but it was usually smiles all the way around. The drop offs in town were always interesting. Everyone wants to get there 2 soles,(.80 cents) worth so they ask to be dropped off directly in front of their homes. This happens all over the world but here in Lobitos we stopped to let one woman off. The driver turned off the engine since he had to unload some things off the roof. He then started up again and hadn't even gone a car length when another lady yelled from the back to stop. She was in the house next door! This stuff always cracks me up....


Koen said...

Hello Michael,

Have been following your voyage with awe...great shots all the way through...posted some comments before...

Still be great to meet up for a week or so...



Anonymous said...

Nice article you got here. It would be great to read something more concerning that theme.
BTW check the design I've made myself Overnight escorts