Friday, September 14, 2007

Smashing Roo's

, originally uploaded by m_hagen.

A word of advice for those of you who haven't driven in Australia at dusk. It's bloody dangerous!!!! I know you're probably thinking about all of the mad footy players, cricketer's and other freaks that inhabit this red continent but I mean the wildlife. Hedda and I were driving into Coffin Bay National Park the other day and nearly had heart attacks at every turn. I was creeping down the road. I mean I'm driving a slow little camper van going about 2mph and families of kangaroo's are hopping right into the road in front of me. We only drove a few miles but in that time we almost ran over two families of roos, assorted wallabies, more rabbits than I can count, a couple of snakes and probably an Emu or two. Once we arrived to the campground Hedda walked out into the darkness to scope out the best campsite. Armed with only a headlamp with low batteries she came face to face with a Big Red Roo that easily towered over her. She kept her cool and calmly hopped back to the van to tell me we were just fine where we were.

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