Friday, June 15, 2007

Sumba Ikat

, originally uploaded by m_hagen.

Not too many internet connections here in the East of Indonesia. We'll most likely be out of communication for another couple of weeks. Hedda and I just arrived in Waingapu and are busy organizing ourselves for the next couple of weeks here. We've heard travel can be quite challenging in Sumba so we're stocking up on Nescafe, peanuts and toilet paper. Tomorrow we're chartering a bemo to get to Tarimbang. The only other option is hitching a ride on a lorry that drops you off about 3-4 km's from the beach. I'm not really interested in throwing my board bag on my head Sherpa style and trekking for an hour to get to the beach. No question whether the charter's worth the extra expense. Low tide mornings and a 2 meter swell is in the forecast so I'm pretty stoked being so close to Miller's Rights. Waingapu is pretty nice for a medium sized Indonesian town. Some really beautiful Sumba Ikat is available in the shops here. They use natural dyes to color the yarn which make the colors are so rich. The people are very friendly with a natural curiosity. Of course the rickshaw drivers still ride you around the block saying they know where the Internet cafe when they don't. It's kinda cool that they have sound systems set up on their bikes. You can get down to some Indo techno while cruising the boulevard.

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