Monday, June 18, 2007


, originally uploaded by m_hagen.

This was a good week at a really amazing bay. Really fun rights breaking over a few sections of reef and peeling into this bay. One of the days when the swell was up, the reef outside began to show some true potential and opened up with some almond shaped tubes reminicent of pre-earthquake Nias. Typically it was a bowly takeoff into long carving walls through to an unpredictable inside suckout over sometimes dry reef. You´d either get a nice round barrel or slammed and hit the reef guaranteed.

This is one of the most pristine beach enviornments I´ve ever seen with incredible wildlife. Crystal clear waters allow you to see fish while riding waves. One afternoon Hedda and I saw three giant sea eagles fighting over the territory of the bay. Screaming and slashing one another 30 feet above our heads. Walking out to the surf I´d see young boys riding bareback on horses along the sand. Heading over to help their fathers bring in the days catch. Sumba is really wild.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm on my way... what beauty 300 degrees every direction