Thursday, April 3, 2008

Valparaiso ascensor´s

, originally uploaded by m_hagen.

We had a bit of fun and saved our legs from destruction by using the ascensors whenever we could. There are about fifteen scattered throughout the hills to help you gain some elevation around the really steep spots. Most were built about 100 years ago and I believe they´re still the original parts. The wood box car creaks and shakes violently as it´s quickly yanked upwards a few hundred feet.


Anonymous said...

it is definitely my kinda of place, you know when you wake up in the morning in a house like this you know every thing is going to be o k cause you just made it thru the nite.... p s i may have previously made a geograpical error, confusing boliva with being a city in columbia,,, so if you didn't get my subtle joke about not telling your mother that you were in bolivia please excuse my ignorance.... now i think bogata is in columbia? you see ryan was helping me clean house after a spam spill i incurred on myself trying to get a free hillary t shirt well its' going on 62 years and life does seem to keep on going ,,regardless of what i thro at it love dad

Anonymous said...

oh i forgot, what ryan eraised was my google earth so now i can barely find la puente dad