Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Valparaiso ghosts

, originally uploaded by m_hagen.

Rich and I were sitting in a little cafe sipping on a beer and resting our legs after trucking up and down hills all day when Rich notices this guy pulling out cans of spray paint from his satchel. We´re thinking he might start tagging at rush hour. Since there´s so much graf everywhere, maybe no one cares what or when you spray down here... So we watch for awhile and this guy is jumping on and off buses, sticking his head into taxi´s and bumping into people on the street. Seems he´s a spray paint dealer. Instead of chicklets and bad watches though, he´s making sure the youth of Valparaiso can get their tools for the weekend assault on the cities walls. We watched as he made a couple of sales, pulled more stock out of his bag, and then drifted off into the night.

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